Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Episode Review: October 9th, 2012

Shyam continues to hear the baby cries as is trying to block out the sounds.  When the cries finally stops, he nervously goes to drink a glass of water.  Seeing his states, NK executes the next part of the plan by turning on the DVD player.  On the wall, Shyam sees the sonography video playing right in front of him along with more baby cries.  This causes him to freak out again, pulling out the wires to stop the sounds and pictures.  Unable to stop it and no longer able to take it, he leaves the room and quickly heads downstairs, bumping into Anjali on the main floor.  She wonders why he seems so freaked out and Arnav and Khushi stare at him.  NK tells Anjali that for her anniversary, he and Khushi will be putting on a drama, a drama that will leave you shaken (looking squarely at Shyam when he says this).  The family takes their seats as the act is about to begin.  Shyam and Anjali are seated together and Arnav takes a seat next to Anjali to make sure things go as plan.  The act begins with Khushi retelling the story of how Anjali and Shyam met.  NK and her re-enact how Anjali and Shyam met at a temple and how as they continued to meet, they fell in love.  Soon they were married and enjoying a happy life but something was missing; a beautiful little baby.  As soon as the topic of their child is brought up, Anjali begins to tear up and the family begins to wonder why this part of their lives is being told.  Soon after, Khushi appears on stage, dressed as a pregnant Anjali describing how she felt on the day of her baby shower.  NK then joins her on stage dressed as a drummer; like Shyam was; and reveals that on that day, some loved ones showed up dressed in disguises, shocking Anjali and Shyam.  Khushi then reveals that this loved one dressed in a disguise did not come to celebrate the occasion, but came to ruin it.  Just then, the videos Arnav and Khushi found on the laptop begin to play for the entire family.  They show a person (who is really Shyam) switch Anjali's medication and then sprinkle glass on the carpet.  They then see how Anjali steps onto the glass and then gets the electric current that causes her to fall down the stairs and lose her baby.  Scared that his secret is out, Shyam gets up to leave, but is stopped by Akash who makes him sit down.  Anjali interrupts the act, asking for them to stop but Arnav asks his sister to calm down.  At the end of the act, Khushi returns on stage to emphasize how the most precious thing in Anjali's life was taken away by someone she thought she loved.  Shyam gets up to leave but turns around to see baby toys and cribs.  This causes him to go into another freak out moment, not wanting to believe what he sees and hears.  Unable to take it, he screams out loud saying that everything that was shown is not true.

Shyam states to everyone that it is not true and Arnav tells him that they found these videos on his laptop.  He continues to claim that he is innocent and that Arnav and Khushi are doing this to frame them.  Nani states that no one in this house could stoop to that level and is upset at letting Shyam stay in the house, despite knowing what he did before.  Arnav asks him how dare he try to kill Anjali but Shyam states that he wasn't trying to kill her.  Arnav reminds Shyam of him switching her medication to kill her and Shyam states that those pills were meant for aborting a child; they were not going to kill her.  His sudden confession not only surprises the family, but him also, not realizing what he just said.  Anjali is shocked at hearing this.  When Nani asks why he did all this, he closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and then states to the whole family that he indeed is a bad person.

He states to the whole family that he indeed killed his own child.  He admits to sprinkling the glass pieces on the carpet for Anjali to step on.  He admits to putting the electrical wires in a way that would cause Anjali to receive and electrical shock, causing her to fall down the stairs and lose her baby.  Hearing this, Anjali is stunned.  Shyam says that he doesn't care about anyone in the house and only did what he did to return back to the Raizada house (Shantivan).  He admits to being the one who brought Dadi back from the ashram to get her help to return to the house, but when she couldn't do anything for him, he took matters into his own hands and used his unborn child as a way back.

What worked: NK and Khushi's act.  This is the final nail in Shyam's coffin and it's just enough to send him packing for good.  NK and Khushi's act gave us an inside look into how Shyam and Anjali met; which is something that has been a secret.  Not only did this act allow for Anjali to reveal the good memories, but it was the perfect way to reveal to her how evil her husband really was.  The use of the videos to the story of how Shyam caused Anjali's miscarriage was brilliant.  Use the evil man's evidence against him.  This time around, there were no words, no finger pointing, no accusations; just visual proof of how evil and cruel of a person Shyam is.  Even when Anjali asked for it to stop, the three of them refused to do so as they knew it was in her best interest if she knew the full story, whether she wanted to hear it or not.  Today, Arnav, Khushi and NK put their emotions aside and became strong for Anjali's sake so that she can finally see what kind of a man her husband truly is.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Shyam's confession. Finally, his paranoia gets the best of him.  His confession is sealing his fate and it's just the beginning.  Khushi's idea to get him to confess his wrong doings has worked splendidly.  The little traps she, Arnav and NK placed around him not only let him feel his own pain but also began to make him paranoid, which finally got the best of him.  No longer able to take the baby cries and the familiar incidents, he finally reveals to the family that he indeed kill his own child.  It's yet to be seen if this is him who is saying all this or has he really gone crazy and is revealing his secrets.  Whichever the choice may be, it's the beginning of the end for Shyam Manohar Jha.

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