Thursday, October 11, 2012

Episode Review: October 11th, 2012

Nani asks Arnav to put out the fire before the whole house catches fire but Anjali tells her to let the stuff burn as she does not want to keep a single thing of his.  Arnav approaches her and she asks him why Shyam did this to her; what was her fault.  She states that their father did the same thing to their mother so how could her fate be any different, asking if she has any right to be happy.  She says whatever happened to her happened but why was her unborn child punished.  After the items have been burned, Anjali states that she will no longer shed tears for that man as he is no longer part of their lives.  She tells Arnav that he lived up to his rakhi promise and protected her from harm.  She thanks the family for protecting her from falling into his trap again and saving her from further heartbreak.  She says that she now realizes what family love and support is and promises to never forget what they've done for her.  She states that the black cloud that was over their family is now gone and now everything that will happen will be good.  Later that night, Anjali goes to talk to Khushi.  Khushi asks her if she's okay and she replies that she is, with her than asking if Khushi is alright.  Khushi apologises to Anjali for everything that happened, stating that she never intended to hurt her.  Anjali tells her not to ask for forgiveness as she saved her from further harm.  She states that her relationship with Shyam was never real and a marriage built on lies and betrayal could not last long.  Anjali tells Khushi that she actually came by to apologize to her.  She asks for Khushi's forgiveness as she had tried many times to warn her about Shyam yet she chose to believe him over her.  Instead of listening to Khushi, she got upset with her.  Khushi tells Anjali not to ask her for forgiveness as anyone in her position would've done the same.  Khushi promises Anjali that she will get her share of happiness and that she should continue to smile and be happy as the world gives us many reasons to do that.  As the two share a hug, Arnav watches over.  Arnav asks her if she's okay and she assures him that she is.  She tells him that not only has she burned his things, but also every memory of his stating that Shyam no longer has any place in her life.  She tells Arnav that as long as he is with her, nothing bad can happen to her. 

The next morning, Arnav is on his bluetooth asking for all his meetings that day to be cancelled.  Overhearing this, Khushi asks him if he's taking her somewhere and he says yes, asking her to wear something light and cotton.  Khushi asks if they are going to be in the sun and he tells her that they are going to the durby.  Unfortunately, Khushi doesn't know what a durby is so Arnav explains it to her.  She says there is no fun in just watching horses race and suggest to do something else.  When Arnav asks her what she wants to do, she suggest they go watch a movie and he quickly says no.  She defends her movie idea stating that a lot more happens in movies, like romance, dance and action, while none of this occurs in his horse racing idea.  He agrees to go watch a movie but states they are going to see and English film, making Khushi upset.  Khushi states that Hindi films have music, dance and romance incorporated and the action is all done by the hero, not by machines or robots but Arnav retaliates with the fact that English films are more precise, only last two hours and have action in them.  Knowing how to change his mind, she sits down on the bed and begins to make him feel bad by agreeing to go see and English film even though she hasn't seen a Hindi one in a long while but has to comply as it is her wife duty.  How feeling bad, Arnav agrees to see a Hindi movie and Khushi goes off to make preparations.  As they come downstairs, Arnav notices the family running around packing things and getting ready.  He asks them what is going on and Nani tells him that they are going for a picnic.  As he tells Khushi to come with him to go to the movie, she tells him that they can't go without Mami and just then Mami arrives downstairs.  Arnav soon realizes that the rest of the family is also coming with them to the theatre and that this was all Khushi's idea.  She tells him that she needed someone with her to whistle during the movie, indicating Mami.  At the theatre, the guard tells them that they can't take their food inside as it's not allowed.  Khushi, along with Mami, Nani and NK, start with some antics, such as Arnav's sugar problem and Nani's old age, to convince the guard to let them take their food inside. 

The guard still tells them that they can't take their food inside so Khushi states that Arnav is a big fan of Salman Khan.  The whole family gets in on it to and back up the story of Arnav being a Salman Khan.  Khushi tells that guard that after years of marriage (which causes Arnav to repeat her sentence) he's asked her to go see a Salman Khan film.  Soon, the other film goers become restless as the movie is about to start and ask to go in.  Khushi then pretends to cry and the guard finally lets them go in.

The family walks into the theatre and begins to take their seats.  Arnav pulls Khushi to the side while everyone else takes their seats.  Arnav tells Khushi that the two of them will sit together and when they go to take their seat, they notice only one seat.  Nani asks Arnav to sit by her, on the other end.  Arnav asks NK to move his seat but he refuses, asking for them to take their seats.  Khushi sits beside NK and Arnav makes his way down the row to the other end to sit.  As the movie begins to play, he looks at Khushi with an angry look.

What worked: Anjali turning over a new leaf on life.  She's thrown her evil husband out of her life, she's ended her marriage by breaking her mangulsutra and she's destroyed every memory of him by burning his things.  These actions indicate the beginning of Anjali's new life.  A lot has just happened to her and so it is expected that she will need time to heal.  However, with the support and love of her family, she will be able to find that inner strength of hers to conquer this bad phase and reclaim her life.  She has gone through much more than her mother did and has somehow found the courage to keep living life, unlike her mother.  A lot of this courage comes from the support of Arnav, who treats her more like a mother than a sister and vows to make sure that she is always protected.  It is now time for Anjali to become a much stronger and confident woman and these recent incidents in her life will help shape her to be that stronger and confident person.  Like the saying goes, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight:  Khushi convincing Arnav to go see a movie.  How cute was their conversation?  Today, Arnav got a taste of how his married life with Khushi is going to be: he's not going to be able to win a single argument.  With the way Khushi was able to convince him to see a Hindi film, without any force or threat, he's in for a fun ride.  They have finally begun to act like husband and wife, each defending their own position and then him giving into her idea just to see her happy.  It was a return to the old days in how they fought; without so much anger and hate and just challenging and wanting to prove a point. Each of them defending their own idea continues to show us that just because they have each changed a bit and have are married doesn't mean their opinions are going to take a backseat.  Right now, there's no telling who's in the driver position of this relationship.  What was a shock to him was that the rest of the family was joining them too.  I guess Khushi didn't get the memo that Arnav wanted to spend some time with her alone. 

Best line was by Arnav: "Hollywood actresses are versitile.  They don't dance around trees (like Bollywood actresses)."  How true is that.....bravo IPKKND team for putting that line in there.

On a side note, she's using the bag Arnav gifted to her on her birthday.  How cute J Hopefully see remembers not to put too much in there again.

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