Monday, October 22, 2012

Episode Review: October 22nd, 2012

The family looks around to see where Aarav went and relieved when they see him in the kitchen drinking water.  Khushi brings him back to the living room and the doctor arrives to checkup on Aarav.  After giving him a checkup, the doctor says he will have to give him a needle.  While the women advise the doctor to be careful as he is a child and Khushi tries to make sure Aarav is relaxed, Aarav tells the doctor to quickly get the needle over with.  The family notices that he takes the needle with a grain of salt, not being afraid at all.  Just then, some young girls walk in, making Aarav question why they are here.  Anjali tells him about the Kanya puja and he states that he doesn't believe in all this rituals, reminding Anjali of Arnav.  As the family gets things ready, two of the girls go up to Aarav and try to talk to him, calling him cute.  Apparently, he doesn't like being called cute.  While the family begins to set things up for the puja, Khushi asks Aarav what he will like to eat and he tells her he'll take toast and juice, the same thing Arnav would have asked for.  The Kanya puja happens, with Aarav watching from afar over a newspaper.  After the girls leave, Khushi gives him his toast and juice and Mami states that Aarav is eating just like Aranv.  The family notice the very obvious similarities between Aarav and Arnav and Mami states that if Arnav had a son, he would be just like Aarav, making Khushi a bit nervous.  Just then, Sheetal and Arnav arrive home and she apologizes for leaving Aarav by himself.  She thanks Khushi for taking care of Aarav and Aarav asks him mom not to tell anyone that he fainted or else they will think he is weak.  Anjali asks for Sheetal to stay for a cup of chai but she states that she is getting late and will come back another time.  When she calls for Aarav to come, he is not to be found.  Khushi finds him by Arnav's plants and the family is now worried.  Anjali tells Khushi that Arnav does not like kids and is afraid that he will yell at Aarav for touching his plants.  Aarav is about to pluck a flower when Arnav tells him to stop.  Aarav states that the flower is dead, making Arnav realize he's right.  Aarav then proceeds to give Arnav gardening advice.  Sheetal has chai with the family and Anjali asks her how she didn't know about her if she and Arnav went to college together.  Sheetal says that they were only in one class.  She calls out for Aarav and everyone notices that both Arnav and Aarav are working together to plant something.  Aarav is now ready to go and thanks everyone for what they did.  He says bye to Arnav, who surprises everyone when he returns the bye to him.  All this while, Khushi is lost in thought of how the two are so similar.  Arnav is then seen watering his plants.  Khushi approaches him and he tells her that he is using Aarav's tips.  Khushi states how the boy is not like normal children, which Arnav agrees.  Khushi then says that Sheetal is just like Arnav, quiet and doesn't really mingle with anyone.  Arnav agrees and tells her that why they were such good friends.  Khushi says that Sheetal never said they were that good of friends and Arnav understands why. 

He explains to Khushi that back in college, he and Sheetal dated for awhile, surprising her.  He said that after awhile, they realized it wasn't love and broke up.  He apologizes to Khushi for not telling her and she yells at him for keeping it a secret.  He says he didn't remember about her until he met her the other day and Khushi demands to know the other girlfriends in his life.  Knowing she's paranoid, he begins to list out a bunch of names, making Khushi think they were all his girlfriends.  An upset Khushi is stunned at how many girlfriends he's had and then realizes he's pulling her leg.  She hits him and yells at him for scaring her like this.  He tells her that all that doesn't really matter because it wasn't until he met her that he knew what love was.  All his past relationships (however many there were) meant nothing to him.  The two then share a hug where Khushi asks what Sheetal's husband's name is.  Arnav tells her that he doesn't know and that her work application stated she was single.  Khushi wonders why Sheetal is a single mother.

What worked:  The family noticing how similar Aarav is to Arnav.  The more their similarities are shown, the more that I am convinced that this whole thing is a plot, devised by someone.  Aarav is way to similar to Arnav.  No child is that similar to a parent, even if they grow up away or in the presence of the parent (an example can be found with Pehu from Bade Ache Lagte Hain).  The family does have a very valid point that if Arnav were to have a son, he would be like Aarav but Aarav and Sheetal's presence, to me, is giving off a strange vibe.  Aarav happens to be everywhere Khushi is, and that too at the right moment.  He then acts exactly like Arnav in many ways, making sure that everyone sees it; from the way he ate, to the way he spoke about rituals to about his gardening knowledge.  Something seems very fishy about this situation.  I'm going with the theory that this whole thing is a ploy, created by someone. 

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: N/A

What do you guys think?  Is this a ploy or is this true?

1 comment:

  1. I think what you said is very interesting, and you have a valid point. Why would Aarav be THAT similar to Arnav, in terms of gardening, behavior and why does he always hang around Khushi and give her suspicion? If this is a ploy, which is very possible, I guess the next question should be what's the purpose of this (to break Arnav and Khushi's marriage would be my first guess) and WHO is creating this fake scenario? Is it Sheetal, (most likely), due to her past with Arnav and her subtle jealousy at Khushi? Is she trying to get Arnav back and using her son to act like him so Arnav & Khushi will be led to believe that Arnav is the child's father? Or is it Shyam, and he somehow escaped out of jail, and is now using Sheetal as a tool to break Arnav and Khushi's marriage so he again can pursue Khushi? You raised a pretty good point, actually! :)
