Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Episode Review: October 16th, 2012

Arnav follows Khushi to their room where he begins to yell at her for what is going on in the house.  Khushi explains to him that everything is happening as he wants; no one is celebrating his birthday.  Arnav says he understands that but at least expected Khushi to wish him Happy Birthday as she's his wife.  He says that he did not want any party but the least she could have done was spend some time with him instead of sticking to this one statement.  Khushi agrees that she is stuck to his statement as he himself stated that he did not want to celebrate his birthday: no greetings, no gifts, no party, no anything.  She says that she had made preparations to celebrate his birthday but cancelled all of them just for his happiness, his wish.  She says that she has changed a lot for him and hoped that he would share his happiness on this day with her but maybe she expected to much from him.  As she leaves, Arnav realizes he's made her upset.  At the dining table, the family agrees to wish Arnav a happy birthday as they realize that Khushi's plan hasn't gone the way it was suppose to.  When Arnav comes downstairs, the family wishes him a happy birthday but Arnav is waiting to hear it from Khushi who leaves the room, stating she's not hungry.  Nani tells Arnav that what he did was wrong as Khushi had made so many preparations and only cancelled them because she knew he wouldn't like it.  Upset, Arnav retreats to the poolside to think.  Akash comes by and offers him some advice, stating that the things girls do may sometimes be a bit overboard but it's their way of showing us love.  Arnav asks Akash for help in dealing with the situation but Akash tells him that Arnav knows how to fix this. 

The scene then shifts to the kitchen where we find Arnav attempting to make jalebis.  Not only does he burn them, but practically makes a mess in the kitchen.  With him in the kitchen, the entire family watches from afar, surprised to see Arnav cooking.  Khushi is in her room staring at the pool when Arnav comes in.  He explains to her that he did what she always does when she's upset and she realizes he's made jalebis.  She lights a candle and asks him to make a wish and blow it out.  She tastes one of the jalebis and seems to like it but when Arnav tastes it, he realizes they are nasty and asks why she ate it.  She says because it was made by him, reminding him of how he ate her horrible food.  Arnav promises her that for his birthday next year, she can do anything she wants, he won't say anything.  He also agrees to wish Khushi happy birthday on her next birthday and the two share a hug.  They both agree that they don't like fighting like this, especially Arnav who states that in order to pacify her he has to make jalebi.  He asks for his gift and she hands him a box.  Before he can open it, Khushi insists he wear it.  He goes to the bathroom to put it on but tells Khushi that it's somewhat tight and won't fight.  He comes out and shows her the gift she got him; a suit jacket that in a kid size.  Khushi wonders how this could have happened as she herself took his measurements.  Arnav then remembers her romantic gestures last night as her way of taking his measurements.  Khushi is upset at the tailor for ruining her gift and Arnav reminds her of something she's forgetting to do.  Khushi then kisses his cheek and wishes him a Happy Birthday. Arnav then kisses Khushi on the cheek and agrees that the sweetest gift comes from being patient.  He then carries her towards the bed. 

The next morning, Khushi is at the tailor's office complaining to the owner for giving her a kid's suit jacket when she ordered one for an adult male.  The owner asks her the name under which the order was placed and Khushi tells him "ASR".  Just then, a little boy comes in asking if she was calling for him.  Khushi looks at the boy, who looks to be a younger version of Arnav.  Khushi tells the boy she wasn't calling for him but said ASR.  The young boy responds to her that his name is indeed ASR, surprising her.  The boy yells at the owner for mixing up the order and Khushi tries to explain to the boy that his mother by accidently took her order by mistake, only to be shocked when he states that he himself came to pick up his order.  He tells Khushi that the mistake was not his and that he never makes mistakes, shocking her and reminding her of Arnav.  When Khushi tries to talk to the boy, he says "what the", surprising her, and leaves the room with his order.  Khushi wonders if this is really of if she's dreaming of meeting a young ASR.

What worked: Arnav realizing he needs to change.  Like a said a week ago, both Arnav and Khushi may be in love but they still have a lot to learn about each other.  Before marriage, Arnav and Khushi each lived their lives like they wanted to but things have changed since they got married.  They now share a life together and sharing a life together means willing to make changes for the other person.  As they begin to share their lives together,  they will have to learn to understand each other in a more deeper and simpler way, such as their likes, dislikes, etc.  It's nice how they showed both Arnav and Khushi in situations where they realized their actions were wrong and then showed them making up for it by doing something the other person liked.  They each got a chance to realize that they are now sharing a life with someone else and that means being more aware of their feelings and what they want.  Well done writers.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav cooking in the kitchen.  Somebody pinch me.  Do I see Arnav, the Arnav Singh Raizada in an apron, in the kitchen, cooking.  Just like the family, I too am shocked and speechless.  Oh how times have changed.  If someone told him a year ago that he would be in the kitchen attempting to make jalebis, he probably would have laughed.  Love has literally brought about a change in the former "angry young man" as he steps into the kitchen in order to pacify his wife.  Yes, they may not have tasted good but it's the thought that counts.  Now if only someone had recorded it....NK, where is your camera?

On a side note, Barun really and I mean really needs a haircut.

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