Friday, October 12, 2012

Episode Review: October 12th, 2012

Khushi notices that Arnav is on his phone instead of watching the movie and realizes that he must be mad so she passes down a food box.  Khushi notices that he refuses it and continues to be on his phone.  Arnav looks over to Khushi to see her enjoying the movie with NK.  The two discuss the film and enjoy every scene.  He then notices her admire Salman Khan in one part and then sees that she's actually crying during the film in another part.  The entire family in enjoying the film except for Arnav who is bored and is constantly looking over to Khushi.  The film breaks for an interval and the entire family gets up to take a break.  Everyone returns to their seats and this time, Arnav takes the corner seat, saving a seat for Khushi.  When she comes to take her seat, he makes her sit beside him, giving her a look.  The movie resumes but instead of discussing the film with Arnav, she's busy talking to NK.  Throughout the rest of the film, the two are talking about what's going to happen next, with Arnav looking like he's ultimately bored.  Arnav tries to hold Khushi's hand multiple times but every time he tries, she moves her hand away before he can hold it.  After the film finishes, the family returns home and Arnav is on the phone talking about meeting clients in a little while.  Khushi comes in and tells him that she knows he's mad at her.  He looks at her and says it's great that she knows he's mad at her.  She thinks that he's mad at her for either talking in the theatre, for Mami singing in the car or with NK for whistling but Arnav is upset at her for something else.  He backs her up against a door and tells her what times she should spend with the family members.  Khushi doesn't understand why he is talking like this and he tells her that he wanted to spend time with her, alone, which is why he agreed to go see a Hindi movie.  Khushi tells him that he should have told her that and he states that she left no opportunity for him to tell her, with her pushing the family out the door to join them.  He tells her that she doesn't understand him and then leaves for the office.  Realizing she's made him mad Khushi tries to figure out a way to pacify him.  She thinks of taking him to see an English movie but before that, she has to do something first.

Khushi heads to Arnav's office and the secretary is surprised to see her there.  She tells her that Arnav is in a meeting currently and to wait in the conference room.  She gets to the conference room and decides that this is the only way to pacify Arnav and heads towards the bathroom.  Khushi comes out to find the room dark with a light projected at the wall.  Arnav is surprised to see her there and she says she's here to make up to him for what she did.  She says that since he likes Hollywood actresses, she'll act them out, not giving Arnav a chance to talk.  She suddenly appears in a frumpy white dress and begins to sing "I love you Arnav."  She then changes into a kimono and begins to sing "Aaj mausam hain suhana" and finally, she appears dressed in jeans and a shirt, re-enacting James Bond.  Noticing he hasn't said anything, she thinks that her plan of hers didn't work but soon hears clapping.  Arnav turns on the lights and she sees two other business men sitting there.  Arnav explains to her that this was supposed to be his presentation and she apologizes for ruining it.  Before she can leave, the two men state that they liked the outfits Khushi wore as they bring in a fresh new look.  They award Arnav the contract, who seems surprised. 

Arnav takes her to his office and proceeds to yell at her, asking her how she can do all this in his office, somewhere he works.  Khushi apologizes for what she did and states that she only did it to make him happy; she wanted to act out Hollywood actresses but like every time, something went wrong.  Arnav says that he understands what she did and why she did it.  He then asks her what her plan is to pacify him, as he remembered her saying something about it.  She says that she is taking just the two of them to see and English movie, she will be wearing a skirt, no suits or saris, and they will be talking in English.  Arnav agrees to her plans and tells her that if she wants to pacify him, she must stop calling him "Arnavji" and just call him "Arnav" surprising Khushi.  He tries to get her to call him "ArnaV" but she keeps calling him "Arnavji" until he tries a reverse psychology method.  The two share a hug and Arnav tries to tell Khushi something but she finishes his sentence: "I know I'm weird." 

The next morning, Khushi is in the kitchen, cooking and making a list.  Nani and Anjali come in to see her cooking and realize she's made a lot of food.  When they ask her what it's all for, she tells them that it's for tomorrow and then hurries off to call the cake orderer.  Nani and Anjali realize what she's doing and go to stop her.  She meets up with Mami, Akash and NK in the living room and states that tomorrow, everyone should wear something new and all of one colour.  Akash tells her that she can't do anything tomorrow and she states that since its Arnav's birthday tomorrow, they have to do something.  Anjali tells her that she can't do anything and Mami explains to her that celebrating Arnav's birthday is not allowed, leaving Khushi feeling upset. 

What worked: Khushi not realizing that Arnav wants to spend time with her alone.  Khushi has fallen in love with Arnav and understands him very well but today's episode shows us that she still has a lot more to learn about him.  Khushi's instincts and her ability to figure out a situation have always been good but then there have been times where she's naive and fails to understand what the people around her really want.  Arnav wanted to spend some time with her alone, which is why he agrees to go see a Hindi film with her.  She's happy he's taking her to the movie but she fails to see that he wants to spend some alone time with her.  Consistent with her character, she tends to block out information in a situation and act on emotion.  However there are other times where she thoroughly understands a situation and carefully plans out her moves.  She's bad at taking subtle hints and only realizes what she's done when someone tells her it.  Perfect example was the recent bachelor party.  As Arnav and Khushi begin to live their married life, they are both going to have to learn to understand each other on the more simpler things in life instead of the complicated issues they're used to dealing with.  Just goes to show that she may still have some growing up to do.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Khushi calling him "Arnav" instead of "Arnavji".  The little things like these is all that is needed to put a smile on one's face and it sure put one on Arnav's.  For the last 16 months, she's been calling him "Arnavji" but now that they're married, he wants her to call him by his name; Arnav (not Laad Governor as she thought..LOL).  The fact that she will now be calling him "Arnav" makes their relationship more personal; more comfortable.  She is no longer a stranger to him; she's his wife, his better (and crazier) half, his soul mate.  Hearing her call him "Arnav" was the one thing he's probably wanted for a long time and today, he finally got to hear it.

What to look out for: Arnav's birthday.  The great Arnav Singh Raizada has a birthday coming up and the problem is: he doesn't like celebrating it.  A few months ago, Khushi did not want to celebrate her birthday either in a big manner based on what was going on in the house yet Arnav still did something to celebrate her birthday.  With his birthday coming up and him not wanting to celebrate it, let's see if Khushi does what Arnav did or will she let him spend his birthday the way he wants to.

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