Friday, October 5, 2012

Episode Review: October 5th, 2012

Shyam picks up the razor and remembers being cut by the glass piece.  He tosses it back on the table and Anjali comes in giving him medication for his hallucinations.  She tells Shyam to take some rest and after she leaves, he heads to the bathroom.  With him gone, Khushi quickly replaces the medicine bottle with another one.  When Shyam comes out of the bathroom, he notices the bottle and realizes it's the antipregnancy pills that he used against Anjali.  Angry, Shyam heads downstairs, yelling for Anjali.  Downstairs, he yells at Anjali for giving him the wrong medication and states that he wants to see a doctor immediately.  Anjali tries to calm Shyam down and assures him she gave him medication for a headache but he refuses to believe that.  To prove it to her, he takes her upstairs to show her the medicine bottle and the family follows to.  He shows her the bottle and tells her that she gave him antipregnancy pills instead of headache pills, shocking her and the family.  Anjali assures Shyam they are headache pills and when she shows him the bottle in his hand.  He then realizes that they are indeed headache pills and begins to worry.  He states that he needs some rest and the family starts to leave until Nani asks him how he knew about these other pills.  NK reveals to Khushi that he switched the bottles and she thanks him.  Before leaving, Arnav stares at Shyam and Anjali and is not happy that his sister is worrying for a person who hurt her.  Downstairs, NK asks Khushi what the repercussions of the antipregnancy pills would have been if Shyam had taken them.  She says that nothing would really happen, except for a headache.  

Arnav begins to head for the office until Khushi stops him.  She asks him if it's necessary for him to go to the office today and the family wonders why she wants him to stay home today.  Khushi makes up a story of today being the first day that Arnav took her out to dinner and gifted her a sari.  As she narrates the story, Arnav seems lost while the family doesn't believe that he could do anything like that.  Khushi states that Arnav may look like a grumpy person from the outside but on the inside he is really sweet.  Anjali states to him that he will have to stay home today but asks if she can borrow Khushi for a little while to help choose a sari.  Arnav agrees to stay home and pulls Khushi to the side to question her about her little antic.  She tells him that tomorrow they will expose Shyam's true colours and she needs him to stay home to help with the preparations for that.  After helping Anjali pick a sari, Khushi is talking to NK on the phone, asking if his preparations for tomorrow are already.  She mentions that she feels bad for Anjali but that there is no other way to do this.  When she enters her room, she is surprised to find all her favourite dishes on a nicely decorated table.  Arnav said he arranged this for her and then gifts her a beautiful sari.  Seeing this, she gets emotional.  Arnav tells her that he just wanted to cheer her up as he knew she was worried about exposing Shyam.  Touched by his gesture, the two share a hug.

Khushi and Arnav head back downstairs to find the family preparing for Anjali and Shyam's wedding anniversary.  Anjali shows the family a sweater she knitted for Shyam and says that her anniversary is the perfect day to show him how much she loves him.  The family tries to look happy for her but Arnav can no longer take it and begins to walk away.  Khushi stops him and he tells her that he's heard that love can be blind but never realized it could be this blind.  He asks Khushi if it's necessary for them to expose Shyam tomorrow as it's Anjali's anniversary and he can't see her unhappy.  Khushi says they have to as there is no better time to expose him, adding that they must do this in front of the entire family.

Khushi says that Anjali will be hurt by this truth but since the entire family will be there, they will be able to comfort and support her.  Arnav tells Khushi that the last time Anjali found out about Shyam's truth, she wasn't able to bear it and wonders what will happen to her this time.  Khushi assures him nothing will happen to her as he will give his sister the strength to face the truth.  She says they have to do this tomorrow before Shyam figures this out and hatches out another plan.  Arnav agrees to expose Shyam tomorrow, stating that he will bring the truth forward.

What worked:  Khushi and Arnav in character.  Khushi and Arnav were perfectly in character today.  Naturally, Arnav feels uneasy of their plan as he doesn't want to hurt his own sister and his impulses to just reveal Shyam's truth to everyone were also justifiable.  Remember when Arnav was kidnapped.  There was a point where she just wanted to reveal expose Shyam as the mastermind behind the kidnapping but it was NK who reasoned with her to be patient and careful as they couldn't risk Arnav life.  This time around, Arnav wants to expose Shyam as quickly as possible but its Khushi who is asking him to be patient and careful.  There two situation have a lot in common; both dealt with wanting justice for a person they loved the most.  Just as Khushi wanted Arnav found as soon as possible, Arnav wants Shyam exposed at any cost.  Both were on impulse mode and did things that would have gotten them caught if it weren't for their partners.  Khushi fully understands what Arnav is going through as she went through the same thing before.  Both are in this fight together and have one mission in mind: expose Shyam and protect Anjali.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: The "anniversary" of the first time Arnav took Khushi out to dinner.  Here we go again, with Khushi and her crazy antics leaving Arnav lost and confused.  Boy is going to have to learn to keep up with her; he's chosen to spend the rest of his life with her.  So Khushi states to everyone that today was the first day that Arnav took her out to dinner and bought her a gift.  Now if we flashback to a year ago, it was around this time that Arnav was dating Lavanya, Khushi was training her and the two couldn't stand each other.  So if he was dating someone else and the two hated each other, why would he take her to dinner let alone by her a gift.  The family believes that Arnav would never do anything like that but none of them realized the big loophole in Khushi's story.  That's what I found so funny today; the loophole was so obvious that no one realized it; except for Arnav who questions her on her little antic.  Thank god the rest of the family isn't as clever and smart as her and Arnav are.

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