Thursday, October 4, 2012

Episode Review: October 4th, 2012

Shyam is applying shaving cream and is relieved no one saw him remove the cameras.  As he puts the blade to his face, he gets a cuts.  He then touches the razor and his finger also gets cut.  He looks at the razor to notice that the blade has been replaced with a broken glass piece.  Anjali walks in and looks worried for him after seeing the cut on his face.  She goes to Arnav's room and asks for a first-aid kit, explaining to them that Shyam cut himself while shaving.  Arnav is still upset at the fact that Anjali still cares so much for Shyam, even though he only gave her pain.  Anjali returns to her room and begins to take care of Shyam's wound.  When she asked how he cut himself, he explains to her that the razor blade was replaced with a broken glass piece.  When he shows her the razor, she sees there is no glass piece in it, making Shyam look like he's crazy.  He then gets a phone call and seems upset, telling her that someone has been prank calling him all morning.  When Anjali picks up the phone, she talks to his assistant, making Shyam look even more crazy.  Anjali leaves the room, worried about Shyam as he is furious at what is happening to him at the moment.  He then goes to the bathroom to clean up.  When he comes out, he suspects that someone has come into his room and checks around to find nobody.  Feeling like everyone in the house is going to make him go insane, he decides to leave for a little while.  After he puts on one of his socks, he gets up to answer his phone.  Just as his foot hits the ground, he gets a stricking pain up his leg.  He takes off his sock to find that he's been hurt by glass pieces stuffed in his sock.  He calls Anjali upstairs and Nani wonders why Shyam has been screaming like this.  Khushi on the other hand is secretly smiling.  Shyam tells her about glass pieces being in his sock, due to which he hurt his foot.  When she checks his sock, she finds no glass pieces.  Anjali is worried about Shyam hallucinating about seeing things and he says to her that he is not lying.  He then requests to be left alone.   

Anjali heads to the kitchen and tells Nani and Khushi that she is worried about Shyam as he has been hurt twice this morning, and that to by mysterious glass pieces.  As he leaves his room, Shyam sees HP carrying a dust tray with a broken bulb.  He questions him on where he got it and HP tells him it's from Arnav's room.  Just as Shyam turns around, he finds himself face to face with an angry looking Arnav.  Shyam informs Arnav about the injuries he's received since the morning from broken glass pieces and tells Arnav to be a bit more careful.  He says that he doesn't want to see Anjali get hurt and it will break his heart.  On hearing this, Arnav's reflex kicks in and he begins to choke Shyam.  Khushi convinces Arnav to let him go and Shyam wonders what he must have done for Arnav to be choking him.  Khushi explains to him that she broke the bulb while hanging pictures and was on her way up with a replacement, even showing him the box.  After Shyam leaves, Arnav and Khushi head up to their room where Khushi tells him to be careful of the things he does (throwing the broken bulb in the trash) as Shyam is very clever.  Arnav says that he can no longer take this and wants Shyam to be punished.  Khushi promises that Shyam will be punished and asks Arnav to have some faith.  Arnav notices a cut on Khushi's hand and see tells him see got it while putting the glass pieces into his sock.  Arnav kisses the wound on her hand and she is touched.  Arnav then asks her how she was able to remove the glass pieces from Shyam's room if she was in the kitchen the whole time. She said she had help from someone and NK enters their room.  Khushi tells Arnav that NK was the one who switched the razor and sock when Shyam wasn't looking to make it look like he was crazy.  NK praises Khushi's remarkable plan and justifies it to Arnav.  Arnav then asks her what's next and she says it's their next step.

Khushi sees Anjali coming down the stairs by Arnav's room.  She makes sure Arnav is ready for their next step but he says that he won't be able to do it.  NK says that he has to but Arnav is hesitant.  Khushi tells Arnav that he is a coward and that he's afraid of getting caught.  Hearing this, Arnav defends himself, saying that neither is he a coward nor is afraid of anything and thus, they begin their next trick.  Khushi and Arnav pretend to have a fight but Arnav quickly ends up forgetting what to do next so Khushi improvises.  Anjali walks in to the two fighting and asks Arnav why they were fighting to which he responds "I don't remember".  Realizing that he won't be able to carry the act through, Khushi improvises, making up a story of Arnav having nightmeres and then having a headache from so much work and her insisting he take medication.

With the help of NK, the three of them are able to pull of the act, with Anjali convincing Arnav to "take" the medication.  Just then, Anjali mentions that Shyam has been acting in a similar way and Khushi suggest Anjali give Shyam the same medication.  Arnav hands Anjali the medicine bottle and she goes to give them to Shyam.  Khushi then praises herself for her plan until her and Arnav get into a small argument.  NK is able to settle them down but questions them on the story behind the medicine.  They explain to him that they saw a video on Shyam's computer where he switched Anjali's medicine.  After looking further into the medicine, they found out that the switched pills were for aborting an unborn child.  NK is shocked hearing that Shyam wanted Anjali to lose her baby and Arnav becomes angry again, clenching his fist.  Seeing this, Khushi holds his hand, calming him down.

What worked: Khushi's plan.  Khushi said it the best today, "a plan made by me not working, that is not possible."  So far, Khushi's plan to expose Shyam has worked amazingly, torturing Shyam and giving him a taste of his own medicine.  This time around, she took a page out of Shyam's book to get back at him; cheating and manipulating the evidence just like he did.  This made him look completely crazy in front of Anjali.  This plan of hers is not only making Shyam paranoid, but is also reminding him of all the bad things that he's done to Anjali.  The best part of her plan is the inclusion of NK.  He helped her before in rescuing Arnav so it's natural for her to ask him for help again.

What didn't work: Shyam shaving in the bedroom.  I thought shaving was meant to be done in the bathroom, not the bedroom.  I know it's suppose to be a story but a little logic here would have worked a lot better writers.  Let's keep things consistent and not odd.

Highlight: Arnav, Khushi and NK's act.  This is not the first time that Arnav has gone along with one of Khushi's plans to only be stumped on what to do next.  Remember the Payal scene with the false suicide letter.  Sanaya, Karan and Barun were amazing in this scene, each playing their characters perfectly: Khushi a little crazy, NK being supportive and Arnav being lost and confused.  Clearly, Arnav doesn't know how to act but can sure pull it off if Khushi annoys him a lot.  Best part has to be when Anjali asks him the reason as to why they are fighting and he responds with "I don't remember."  Oh Arnav, you're going to have to learn how to keep up with your crazy wife. 

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