Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Episode Review: October 29th, 2012

Arnav is angry with Khushi for doing a DNA test on him and Aarav.  Khushi tries to explain to him why she did it but he's in no mood to listen.  Arnav asks Khushi if she trusts him at all.  Upset that she went behind his back, he hands her the envelope back and tells her to open it so she can clear her doubts that Aarav is his son.  Khushi stares at the envelope and is almost about to open it.  All the while, Sheetal is looking in from the outside with a nervous look on her face.  Seeing his face and listening to her heart, Khushi rips up the envelope without even looking at the report.  She apologizes to Arnav for what she did and he tells her again that he and Sheetal only dated; nothing else.  As he leaves upset, Khushi wonders what she can do to cheer him up.  As she walks down the stairs thinking about it, she sees Aarav sitting and doing something.  She realizes that Aarav has no fault in this and decides to do something for him.  She calls out to him, asking if he wants to go out.  When he doesn't answer her, she goes up to him and taps him on his shoulder.  Unfortunately, he ends up ruining his painting he was doing for school and yells at Khushi for disturbing him.  Upset, he takes off upstairs and now Khushi has upset two people.  She looks at the painting and sees that Aarav drew him and his mom watching a kid playing with their dad.  She sees another picture where Aarav drew himself, his mom but did not draw his dad at all.  Khushi realizes how much Aarav misses his father and goes to cheer him up.  She goes to his room to apologise to him.  Apparently, he's in the bathroom but ends up forgiving Khushi.  As she's about to leave the room, she notices Sheetal's diary on the table and ponders on whether or not she should read it.  She then goes through a good vs. evil debate as she imagines an angel and devil telling her what to do.  She decides to side with the devil and read Sheetal's diary; as long as she does not touch the pages.  As she reads her diary, she comes across her writing about a boy she met.  As she continues to write about the boy, Khushi thinks it may be Arnav.  When Sheetal states in her diary about coming close to the boy in November of 2006, Khushi wonders if her and Arnav were dating in 2006.  When she goes to read further, she notices that the pages are torn out.  Before she can figure out where the pages went, she realizes that Aarav will be exiting the bathroom and quickly leaves the room.  Next, she decides to search for her answer by looking through Arnav's college stuff.  Unable to find Arnav's diary, she finds an old college group photo, where the two are present .  Khushi reads the date as 2006 and her fear of Arnav being Aarav's father resurfaces.  She curses herself for ripping up the envelope without even looking at it.  She quickly calls up the hospital and asks for another report but they tell her it will be a few days as their computers are not working.

Her next plan, find out Aarav's father's name through his school registration form.  Dressed as a peon, Khushi sneaks into Aarav's school in order to sneak into the principal's office to see the form.  Khushi is successfully able to dodge the principal but ends up bumping into another worker.  She tries to escape the worker but ends up being told to make tea for the teachers.  After making and serving tea to the teachers, Khushi heads to the principal's office, hoping to find the form and figure out who Aarav's father is.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: The use of comedy.  So far, this track has had a mix of comedy and drama but the continued use of the comedy aspect is not working for the track.  Khushi is desperate to find out who Aarav's father is but she does not necessarily have to resort to crazy and weird antics to find her answers.  She's much smarter than that and we've seen that before when she tried to earn Shyam's trust and rescue Arnav and just recently with exposing Shyam for the second time.  I don't mind having a bit of comedy in the show but too much of it can be a turn off and turn the story into a joke, which is what it's currently doing.  Hopefully, the writers remember that Khushi is a lot smarter than her weird and crazy antics and give her another way to find her answers.

Highlight: N/A

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